Visitors who are familiar with our Green Goals for 2024 will be aware of our organisation's ongoing commitment to looking after our parks' green areas in a sympathetic and appropriate way in order to support the increase in biodiversity.
Perhaps the two biggest challenges that we have set ourselves this season are to implement a meadow management regime of the grassland area at the rear of the park and to re-establish the hedgerow at the rear of the park. However, we are proud to announce that we have taken this challenge one step further by committing to a new 'Riverbank Regeneration Project'!
10,000 bird friendly mixed native hedging plants and 40 Alder and Willow trees are on their way to our Somerset holiday park and campsite, where they will be positioned and planted along the riverbank.
The carefully chosen premium mixture of bird friendly native species (including flowers, catkins, nuts and berries) will grow into a dense hedgerow; joining up disconnected habitats and encouraging birds, insects and many other forms of wildlife.
Alder and Willow trees thrive in wetter soil conditions and their large roots will stabilise the riverbank, reducing the threat of flooding. The trees will provide a source of food and shelter for birds, bats and invertebrates - and any tree debris (like leaves and branches) that find their way into the river will provide shade and shelter for spawning fish.
The leaves of both trees are a known food plant for the caterpillars of several species of moths and also provide an early source of nectar and pollen for bees. The seeds dropped by the Alder are an important food source for many bird species and the branches of the Willow will make good resting and roosting sites.
Our Riverbank Regeneration Project will also provide the ideal opportunity for us to further support native biodiversity by introducing wildlife refuges like bird and bat boxes for native species. And, of course, it will give our visitors a place to enjoy being surrounded by nature!
We have big plans for 2024! And we look forward to updating you of our progress.
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