By Kim Boyd
March 31, 2025
We are proud to share that Riverside Holiday Village has achieved the Environmental and Sustainability Award at the prestigious Somerset Business Awards 2025. This award recognises companies or individuals who can demonstrate a positive and long-term impact on the environment within their businesses. With evidence to show how they have improved environmental performance, implemented the efficient use of resources or supported sustainable development or environmentally-friendly schemes. We were also shortlisted for the Medium Business of the Year Award . Speaking about the awards, David Crew, Somerset Chamber Managing Director, said; 'Every year the awards recognise and honour the achievements of our vibrant business community. The economic situation may be challenging, but Somerset’s business community had again shown resilience and excellence across all sectors.'. Commenting after the awards dinner, which was held at The Pavillion in Weston-super-Mare, David Tattersall, Group Manager at West Country Parks, commented; 'We are delighted to have achieved this award. As a business, we have become increasingly aware of our environmental responsibilities; from reducing waste and energy use, to increasing biodiversity and supporting eco-friendly initiatives, we have really embraced this element of our business over the last few years and it's fantastic to have had all of our hard work recognised.' We would like to thank our visitors, supporters and all of our fantastic team for your support.